Monday, March 18, 2013


I was away all weekend without a computer so I wasn't able to post the summary until now.
I just want to reemphasize that a juice cleanse is not for weight loss but is to kick start a healthier lifestyle. That being said, you will likely lose weight and for those who are interested, I have before and after pictures of my results.
Two Week Body Transformation

I lost roughly 1 pound per day. The weight loss slowed/stopped in the last couple of days but I also took my body fat % daily and that continued to drop, which makes me think that I gained some muscle. It proves that doing strength and working out throughout the cleanse can help prevent muscle atrophy. (from my conclusions)

Another point I wanted to reemphasize is that juices and smoothies are two different things. Blending fruits and vegetables in a blender keeps the fiber in the drink, which is something you don't want during a juice cleanse because it still requires digestion. You'll want to make sure that you purchase an actual juicer.

If you're thinking of doing a juice cleanse, go through my notes in the previous blog posts and do some of your own research. Even if you don't think you could handle a juice cleanse, adding a freshly squeezed juice to your daily diet is very beneficial. Although my cleanse is over, I had an indulgent weekend so I think I'm going to juice for most of my meals for the rest of this week but eat when I am hungry. My stomach definitely shrunk and I am having trouble eating meals so I need to ease into it a little better with smaller snacks.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you are at all curious about anything related to juice cleansing.

Writing this blog has been a great experience and has helped keep me accountable. I highly recommend blogging your future experiences to help you out too. I really appreciate all the motivation and support from my friends and family during this cleanse and I especially appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this blog and become educated on the topic. As a future holistic nutritionist, I love promoting healthy habits.

Thanks again for your interest in this topic and maybe you'll see another blog from me soon! (I'm open to suggestions)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 14- Already?!

The two weeks actually went by pretty slow and it seemed like a really long time but it's all over now!

Breakfast: 3 oranges
Lunch: 2 cups water Kefir
Dinner: 5 kale leaves, 6oz of spinach, 1 apple, 2 pears

Water: 2L
Exercise: 5k, strength

I spent the day making raw vegan desserts for my friend’s birthday… I was sad that I couldn’t taste any. They all look delicious so I look forward to the weekend. I had plenty of energy today! I wasn’t hungry and I actually forgot that it was the last day. For some reason, I kept thinking I had one more day. Anyways, I’m so glad it’s over and I’m pumped for solid food tomorrow. I’ll post one more message tomorrow at some point summarizing everything.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 13

Almost done!

Breakfast: 6oz of spinach, 6 kale leaves, 1 lime, ½ a pineapple
Lunch: 5 oranges
-took vitamin D
-took some digestive enzymes to clear out anything remaining in my stomach and other organs

Water: 2.5L
Exercise: 1 hour spinning class

I don’t have much to say today. I made some raw vegan chocolate for a celebratory treat on Friday and it looks good. My family tried it and said it was good so I look forward to it. I was really busy and on the go. I had lots of energy all day and had an awesome spin class. My muscles aren’t as sore as I thought they would be today but they’re still pretty sore. I’ve got one more day to go and then on Friday I will sum everything up.
13 days down, 1 DAY TO GO! yehaw


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 12

I was conveniently sent a resource today from someone who just completed a 10 day juice cleanse so you can read through their experience if you like.

Breakfast: 6 kale leaves, handful of parsley, 4 Swiss chard leaves, 6oz of spinach, 1 lime, ½ a lemon, ½ a pineapple and peppermint tea
Lunch: 4 kale leaves, 2 Swiss chard leaves, 2 kiwis, 6oz of spinach, 1 lime, 1 Fuji apple, 1 green apple, ½ a red pepper
-took some vitamin D today

Water: 3L
Exercise: I did some strength at home only to find out that the boxing class was half strength. 1-hour Muay Thai class (Thai kick boxing), 1-hour hot yin yoga class, 5k

I kicked some ass today, if I do say so myself! I had a really productive day. I met some new people, and learned some new things! I also had some greaaat workouts. I felt like jello after the Muay Thai class but I’m really glad I decided to go to yoga because it was soo relaxing and just what I needed to stretch my body out. I think I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight. I’m really excited that I only have to get through two more days. I feel like I’m back in my groove now of positive vibes after the past couple of days of mental struggle.
12 days down, 2 DAYS TO GO! (holy moly)


Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 11

I'm running out of juice cleanse tips. I hope I've covered most of the important stuff!

Breakfast: 3oz of spinach, 4 kales leaves, 4 Swiss chard leaves, ½ a cucumber, whole pineapple (it was a really small one)
Breakfast Juice

Lunch: 3 oranges, whole pineapple (small one)
Lunch Juice

Dinner: tea

Water: 2L
Exercise: strength, 5k

This is officially the longest two weeks of my life. It’s been a great experience but I’m about ready for it to be over. I just want the satisfaction of chewing and swallowing solid food again! That being said, it’s almost over so I’m going to give it my all!

My muscles are actually pretty sore today from yesterday’s workout. I really started to feel it in my shins when I walked the dogs today but I had to push through because pain doesn’t last forever, and all that good stuff! I have a little boost of motivation today to finish strong so I’m going to try to make the best of the last 3 days! I’m still getting a little bit light headed when I stand up too quickly but other than that, I’m feeling good.  
11 days down, 3 days to go!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 10

Note: It may be obvious but don’t chew gum, suck on candies, drink caffeine, or drink alcohol during a juice cleanse.

Breakfast: 2 ½ carrots, 2 ½ lemons, small piece of ginger
Breakfast Juice

Snack: 2 cups water kefir
Lunch: ½ a pineapple, ½ a cucumber, 3oz of spinach
Snack: ½ a pineapple
Dinner: 6 kale leaves, 2 Swiss chard leaves, 3oz of spinach, ½ a lemon, handful of parsley, 1 apple, ½ a cucumber

Water: 1.5L
Exercise: lots of strength

I was exhausted and hungry today. These dogs tucker me out! I sort of half-napped a couple of times today (lay there half awake). I started to feel hungry around 4pm, after walking the dogs for an hour and I was tired all day. It almost feels like a second round of detox symptoms (but less intense). I decided to torture myself by watching “Eat St.” and “Diner, Drive-ins, and Dives”, and browsing Pinterest’s food section. It’s not painful to look at good food but I am enjoying making lists of what I want to make when I’m eating again! I think a combo of daylight savings and the fact that the dogs need to go outside constantly (even if it’s 5am) has contributed to the tiredness. I took some iron and vitamin D today. I decided against running but did a lot of strength.  I’m just going to relax for the rest of the night and get some work done… maybe nap a couple more times before going to bed. I seriously hope the next 4 days are better. I just have to keep reminding myself that it’s so close to being over.
10 days down, 4 days to go! (two weeks is a long ass time)


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 9

Happy 25th Birthday to my sister today!!

Note: A juice cleanse is supposed to initiate a healthy lifestyles so if you don’t incorporate any new habits but instead go back to eating your old way, you will gain all of the weight back (maybe even more) and it won’t be beneficial to you. After a juice cleanse if you continue to incorporate freshly squeezed juice into your diet, and pick up healthier eating habits, you will keep the weight off and feel great.

Breakfast: 6oz of spinach, 1 lime, 1/3 of a cucumber, 1 pear, 1 apple, and herbal tea
Lunch and dinner: 4 kale leaves, 3 Swiss chard leaves, 2 cabbage leaves, ½ a lemon, 1 lime, 2 handfuls parsley, ½ a cucumber, 30z of spinach, 1 kiwi, 1 pear, and tea
Snack: peppermint tea, a couple sips of Kefir

Water: 2L and lots of herbal tea
Exercise: 5k, strength

I don’t have much to say today. I went to bed at about 1am and the dogs woke me up at the crack of dawn again. I walked them separately, which was obviously much more successful and there were no bails in the snow bank today. The weather was gorgeous so I enjoyed the double walks in the sun. I was running around all day and now I am exhausted. I took a 2 hour nap but it didn’t do much good so I’ll probably go to bed early tonight. I wasn’t hungry yet again today and I had 2 big green juices. I’m pretty excited to eat food again...

9 days down, 5 days to go!
