Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 11

I'm running out of juice cleanse tips. I hope I've covered most of the important stuff!

Breakfast: 3oz of spinach, 4 kales leaves, 4 Swiss chard leaves, ½ a cucumber, whole pineapple (it was a really small one)
Breakfast Juice

Lunch: 3 oranges, whole pineapple (small one)
Lunch Juice

Dinner: tea

Water: 2L
Exercise: strength, 5k

This is officially the longest two weeks of my life. It’s been a great experience but I’m about ready for it to be over. I just want the satisfaction of chewing and swallowing solid food again! That being said, it’s almost over so I’m going to give it my all!

My muscles are actually pretty sore today from yesterday’s workout. I really started to feel it in my shins when I walked the dogs today but I had to push through because pain doesn’t last forever, and all that good stuff! I have a little boost of motivation today to finish strong so I’m going to try to make the best of the last 3 days! I’m still getting a little bit light headed when I stand up too quickly but other than that, I’m feeling good.  
11 days down, 3 days to go!


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