Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 3

Note: when doing a juice cleanse you should try your best to buy organic produce. When juicing non-organic produce, the pesticides and chemicals are being concentrated into the juice. This makes it difficult for your liver to detox the chemicals and since the whole point of a juice cleanse is to detox your body, it would be counterproductive. 

Breakfast: 5 oranges
Lunch: 4 kale leaves, 3oz spinach, 2 Swiss chard leaves, 1 celery stalk, ¼ of a cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 green apple, half a pineapple (half before spinning, half after spinning)
Dinner: 3oz spinach, 1 green apple, 1 Swiss chard leaf, ½ a lemon, 15 strawberries, 3inch chunk of cucumber
dinner juice

Water: 3L
Exercise: 2-hour spinning class, some strength

About 15 minutes after I posted yesterday’s blog about having a runner’s high, I got really nauseous and light headed for about half an hour. (I think 14.5k was a little too long for day two of the juice cleanse so I might not run that long for the rest of it, or I will drink more fruit juice those days). I tried to drink my juice to replenish my glucose but it was really sweet so it wasn’t helping much (I have a low sweet tolerance). I drank some more water and it eventually subsided and then I went to bed around 11:30. I woke up at 2 to use the bathroom, woke up at 5:30 and tossed around for a bit, woke up at 7:30, and then finally got up at 9. I spent the morning doing work around the house and then did a 2-hour spinning class from 1:45-3:45. It felt really good and I never felt over exerted or faint. There was a potluck lunch at my house so when I got home from spinning, all of the food was on display and looked delicious. I didn’t want to eat it though so I’m proud of myself for having some self-control. I did get a little hungry around 6pm so I made my dinner juice. Overall a pretty good day! Monday-Thursday I have 3 hours of class each day so hopefully day 4 and on is as easy as my last cleanse (fingers crossed). 


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