Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 14- Already?!

The two weeks actually went by pretty slow and it seemed like a really long time but it's all over now!

Breakfast: 3 oranges
Lunch: 2 cups water Kefir
Dinner: 5 kale leaves, 6oz of spinach, 1 apple, 2 pears

Water: 2L
Exercise: 5k, strength

I spent the day making raw vegan desserts for my friend’s birthday… I was sad that I couldn’t taste any. They all look delicious so I look forward to the weekend. I had plenty of energy today! I wasn’t hungry and I actually forgot that it was the last day. For some reason, I kept thinking I had one more day. Anyways, I’m so glad it’s over and I’m pumped for solid food tomorrow. I’ll post one more message tomorrow at some point summarizing everything.


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