Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 6

Note: If you’re only doing a 1-10 day juice cleanse, you can carry on with your regular routine, however doing 11 or more days is very strenuous on the body so you should be taking it easy and resting a lot. You should build up to longer cleanses by trying shorter cleanses first. If you decide to go for more than 21 days, I recommend that you be supervised, especially if you don’t know what you are doing, as this can become dangerous.

Breakfast: small bunch of kale, 2 handfuls of spinach, 2 kiwis, 1 Swiss chard leaf, 2 celery sticks, 3 romaine leaves, small piece of ginger, ½ a lemon, 1 apple, ¾ of a cucumber 
Breakfast Ingredients

I had a little accident. A cucumber chunk  dove into the juice. (so subtract some ingredients)

The Final Product

Lunch/Dinner: 3 Swiss chard leaves, 3 celery sticks, ½ a lemon, ¾ of a cucumber, 3 romaine leaves, 2 handfuls of baby carrots, 4 kale leaves, small piece of ginger, 8 strawberries, 1 apple
Snack: ¼ cup wheatgrass

Water: 3L
Exercise: 1 hour spinning class, some strength, some yoga

Today was great! I had the house to myself today so I stayed in all day. My sister asked me to make scalloped potatoes and cupcakes for her birthday celebrations this weekend so I did and surprisingly didn’t want any. SUCCESS! I did strength and yoga during the day and a 1-hour spinning class tonight and it all felt really good. I just want to point out why I do strength everyday 1. Because it’s really good for you in general (for bone density, burning more fat calories during the day, general body structure to cut out pain, etc) 2. After a couple of days on a juice cleanse, your body starts tapping into your muscles for energy so by continuing strength training, it is an attempt to reduce muscle atrophy. I have a cellular biology exam tomorrow so I’m going to spend the rest of the night studying. Starting tomorrow I will be house sitting/dog sitting until the 15th so I will be by myself and won’t have any food temptations around me so that will be really nice for the last half of the cleanse.   
6 days down, 8 days to go! 
Courtesy of my sister


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