Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 4

Note: you go through a lot of produce on a juice cleanse, which can get expensive so if you can find a way to buy in bulk for a cheaper price, that would be ideal! (ex: Make deals with the farmers at Farmer’s Markets)

Breakfast: 2 mangos, 2 oranges, ¼ of a pineapple
Lunch: 7 oranges
Dinner: 6 small beets, 5 kale leaves, 1 green apple, 1 carrot, small piece of ginger

Dinner Ingredients
Dinner Juice

Water: 2.5L
Exercise: some strength in the morning. I wasn’t able to do my 6.5K easy run due to mental and physical exhaustion.

Tough is an understatement!
Today was one of those days. I had a mental tug-of-war on whether to give up or keep going. Thankfully I have supportive friends and a blog to hold me accountable. My sister and my dad are also doing it with me for a short time so they motivate me to keep going, even though they are struggling as well. NO ONE SAID IT WOULD BE EASY!! I woke up with sore muscles from Saturday and Sunday’s workouts, obviously from lack of proper nutrients to recover. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have gone so hard while on a juice cleanse. A couple times throughout the day I would get light headed and black out for a couple of seconds when standing up. During my afternoon class I started to get really mentally drained and exhausted. I went to the health foods store after class to pick up an iron supplement and the cashier asked for my birthday. My mind went blank for about 3 seconds, that’s how out of it I was/am. My thoughts were scattered and my speech was slurred all night. I was hungry tonight, no doubt about that! I did NOT feel this way at all on my last cleanse but I’ve come to the conclusion that it is because of the intensity of my exercise and I’m not drinking as much as I did the last time. There is also a chance that these are the detox symptoms coming out to play. When on a detox, bad things are dying off and being released in your body to be released out of your body and it is normal to feel absolutely drained. If this is the case then good, it’s working and it’ll be over soon. I took the iron supplement (contains iron, and Vitamins B1, 2, 3, 6, 12) today to try and give me a boost but I am just going to go to bed now and hope I’m rejuvenated for tomorrow morning’s 3-hour class. I did not do my scheduled 6.5k easy run for the day, for obvious reasons. I hope that I will wake up refreshed and ready to go for day 5 and I will definitely make a better effort to make more juice from now on.
Iron Supplement

4 days down, 10 to go!

(I’m really brain dead right now so I hope this post made sense)



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