Monday, March 18, 2013


I was away all weekend without a computer so I wasn't able to post the summary until now.
I just want to reemphasize that a juice cleanse is not for weight loss but is to kick start a healthier lifestyle. That being said, you will likely lose weight and for those who are interested, I have before and after pictures of my results.
Two Week Body Transformation

I lost roughly 1 pound per day. The weight loss slowed/stopped in the last couple of days but I also took my body fat % daily and that continued to drop, which makes me think that I gained some muscle. It proves that doing strength and working out throughout the cleanse can help prevent muscle atrophy. (from my conclusions)

Another point I wanted to reemphasize is that juices and smoothies are two different things. Blending fruits and vegetables in a blender keeps the fiber in the drink, which is something you don't want during a juice cleanse because it still requires digestion. You'll want to make sure that you purchase an actual juicer.

If you're thinking of doing a juice cleanse, go through my notes in the previous blog posts and do some of your own research. Even if you don't think you could handle a juice cleanse, adding a freshly squeezed juice to your daily diet is very beneficial. Although my cleanse is over, I had an indulgent weekend so I think I'm going to juice for most of my meals for the rest of this week but eat when I am hungry. My stomach definitely shrunk and I am having trouble eating meals so I need to ease into it a little better with smaller snacks.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you are at all curious about anything related to juice cleansing.

Writing this blog has been a great experience and has helped keep me accountable. I highly recommend blogging your future experiences to help you out too. I really appreciate all the motivation and support from my friends and family during this cleanse and I especially appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this blog and become educated on the topic. As a future holistic nutritionist, I love promoting healthy habits.

Thanks again for your interest in this topic and maybe you'll see another blog from me soon! (I'm open to suggestions)


  1. About how much did you spend on food?

    1. I don't remember exactly but I would guess between 150-250$? It was more expensive because it was winter. All of those groceries bought in bulk at a farmers market/homegrown would be much less now.
