Monday, March 18, 2013


I was away all weekend without a computer so I wasn't able to post the summary until now.
I just want to reemphasize that a juice cleanse is not for weight loss but is to kick start a healthier lifestyle. That being said, you will likely lose weight and for those who are interested, I have before and after pictures of my results.
Two Week Body Transformation

I lost roughly 1 pound per day. The weight loss slowed/stopped in the last couple of days but I also took my body fat % daily and that continued to drop, which makes me think that I gained some muscle. It proves that doing strength and working out throughout the cleanse can help prevent muscle atrophy. (from my conclusions)

Another point I wanted to reemphasize is that juices and smoothies are two different things. Blending fruits and vegetables in a blender keeps the fiber in the drink, which is something you don't want during a juice cleanse because it still requires digestion. You'll want to make sure that you purchase an actual juicer.

If you're thinking of doing a juice cleanse, go through my notes in the previous blog posts and do some of your own research. Even if you don't think you could handle a juice cleanse, adding a freshly squeezed juice to your daily diet is very beneficial. Although my cleanse is over, I had an indulgent weekend so I think I'm going to juice for most of my meals for the rest of this week but eat when I am hungry. My stomach definitely shrunk and I am having trouble eating meals so I need to ease into it a little better with smaller snacks.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you are at all curious about anything related to juice cleansing.

Writing this blog has been a great experience and has helped keep me accountable. I highly recommend blogging your future experiences to help you out too. I really appreciate all the motivation and support from my friends and family during this cleanse and I especially appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this blog and become educated on the topic. As a future holistic nutritionist, I love promoting healthy habits.

Thanks again for your interest in this topic and maybe you'll see another blog from me soon! (I'm open to suggestions)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 14- Already?!

The two weeks actually went by pretty slow and it seemed like a really long time but it's all over now!

Breakfast: 3 oranges
Lunch: 2 cups water Kefir
Dinner: 5 kale leaves, 6oz of spinach, 1 apple, 2 pears

Water: 2L
Exercise: 5k, strength

I spent the day making raw vegan desserts for my friend’s birthday… I was sad that I couldn’t taste any. They all look delicious so I look forward to the weekend. I had plenty of energy today! I wasn’t hungry and I actually forgot that it was the last day. For some reason, I kept thinking I had one more day. Anyways, I’m so glad it’s over and I’m pumped for solid food tomorrow. I’ll post one more message tomorrow at some point summarizing everything.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 13

Almost done!

Breakfast: 6oz of spinach, 6 kale leaves, 1 lime, ½ a pineapple
Lunch: 5 oranges
-took vitamin D
-took some digestive enzymes to clear out anything remaining in my stomach and other organs

Water: 2.5L
Exercise: 1 hour spinning class

I don’t have much to say today. I made some raw vegan chocolate for a celebratory treat on Friday and it looks good. My family tried it and said it was good so I look forward to it. I was really busy and on the go. I had lots of energy all day and had an awesome spin class. My muscles aren’t as sore as I thought they would be today but they’re still pretty sore. I’ve got one more day to go and then on Friday I will sum everything up.
13 days down, 1 DAY TO GO! yehaw


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 12

I was conveniently sent a resource today from someone who just completed a 10 day juice cleanse so you can read through their experience if you like.

Breakfast: 6 kale leaves, handful of parsley, 4 Swiss chard leaves, 6oz of spinach, 1 lime, ½ a lemon, ½ a pineapple and peppermint tea
Lunch: 4 kale leaves, 2 Swiss chard leaves, 2 kiwis, 6oz of spinach, 1 lime, 1 Fuji apple, 1 green apple, ½ a red pepper
-took some vitamin D today

Water: 3L
Exercise: I did some strength at home only to find out that the boxing class was half strength. 1-hour Muay Thai class (Thai kick boxing), 1-hour hot yin yoga class, 5k

I kicked some ass today, if I do say so myself! I had a really productive day. I met some new people, and learned some new things! I also had some greaaat workouts. I felt like jello after the Muay Thai class but I’m really glad I decided to go to yoga because it was soo relaxing and just what I needed to stretch my body out. I think I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight. I’m really excited that I only have to get through two more days. I feel like I’m back in my groove now of positive vibes after the past couple of days of mental struggle.
12 days down, 2 DAYS TO GO! (holy moly)


Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 11

I'm running out of juice cleanse tips. I hope I've covered most of the important stuff!

Breakfast: 3oz of spinach, 4 kales leaves, 4 Swiss chard leaves, ½ a cucumber, whole pineapple (it was a really small one)
Breakfast Juice

Lunch: 3 oranges, whole pineapple (small one)
Lunch Juice

Dinner: tea

Water: 2L
Exercise: strength, 5k

This is officially the longest two weeks of my life. It’s been a great experience but I’m about ready for it to be over. I just want the satisfaction of chewing and swallowing solid food again! That being said, it’s almost over so I’m going to give it my all!

My muscles are actually pretty sore today from yesterday’s workout. I really started to feel it in my shins when I walked the dogs today but I had to push through because pain doesn’t last forever, and all that good stuff! I have a little boost of motivation today to finish strong so I’m going to try to make the best of the last 3 days! I’m still getting a little bit light headed when I stand up too quickly but other than that, I’m feeling good.  
11 days down, 3 days to go!


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 10

Note: It may be obvious but don’t chew gum, suck on candies, drink caffeine, or drink alcohol during a juice cleanse.

Breakfast: 2 ½ carrots, 2 ½ lemons, small piece of ginger
Breakfast Juice

Snack: 2 cups water kefir
Lunch: ½ a pineapple, ½ a cucumber, 3oz of spinach
Snack: ½ a pineapple
Dinner: 6 kale leaves, 2 Swiss chard leaves, 3oz of spinach, ½ a lemon, handful of parsley, 1 apple, ½ a cucumber

Water: 1.5L
Exercise: lots of strength

I was exhausted and hungry today. These dogs tucker me out! I sort of half-napped a couple of times today (lay there half awake). I started to feel hungry around 4pm, after walking the dogs for an hour and I was tired all day. It almost feels like a second round of detox symptoms (but less intense). I decided to torture myself by watching “Eat St.” and “Diner, Drive-ins, and Dives”, and browsing Pinterest’s food section. It’s not painful to look at good food but I am enjoying making lists of what I want to make when I’m eating again! I think a combo of daylight savings and the fact that the dogs need to go outside constantly (even if it’s 5am) has contributed to the tiredness. I took some iron and vitamin D today. I decided against running but did a lot of strength.  I’m just going to relax for the rest of the night and get some work done… maybe nap a couple more times before going to bed. I seriously hope the next 4 days are better. I just have to keep reminding myself that it’s so close to being over.
10 days down, 4 days to go! (two weeks is a long ass time)


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 9

Happy 25th Birthday to my sister today!!

Note: A juice cleanse is supposed to initiate a healthy lifestyles so if you don’t incorporate any new habits but instead go back to eating your old way, you will gain all of the weight back (maybe even more) and it won’t be beneficial to you. After a juice cleanse if you continue to incorporate freshly squeezed juice into your diet, and pick up healthier eating habits, you will keep the weight off and feel great.

Breakfast: 6oz of spinach, 1 lime, 1/3 of a cucumber, 1 pear, 1 apple, and herbal tea
Lunch and dinner: 4 kale leaves, 3 Swiss chard leaves, 2 cabbage leaves, ½ a lemon, 1 lime, 2 handfuls parsley, ½ a cucumber, 30z of spinach, 1 kiwi, 1 pear, and tea
Snack: peppermint tea, a couple sips of Kefir

Water: 2L and lots of herbal tea
Exercise: 5k, strength

I don’t have much to say today. I went to bed at about 1am and the dogs woke me up at the crack of dawn again. I walked them separately, which was obviously much more successful and there were no bails in the snow bank today. The weather was gorgeous so I enjoyed the double walks in the sun. I was running around all day and now I am exhausted. I took a 2 hour nap but it didn’t do much good so I’ll probably go to bed early tonight. I wasn’t hungry yet again today and I had 2 big green juices. I’m pretty excited to eat food again...

9 days down, 5 days to go!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 8

Note: If you are thinking about doing a juice cleanse after reading this blog, GREAT, however I do suggest that you do your own research on juice cleanses/fasts to make sure that you are getting all of the information. I try to add as many tips as I can think of but I may be forgetting important stuff. I really suggest you watch the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and research Joe Cross.

Breakfast: 5 oranges, chamomile lemon tea
Lunch: 4 kale leaves, 4 romaine leaves, 2 cabbage leaves, 2 celery sticks, ½ a lemon, 1/3 of a cucumber, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 kiwi, small piece of ginger
Lunch Juice

Dinner: 5 oranges

Water: 3L
Exercise: 6k run, yoga, strength, walked the dogs (is this exercise?)…I won’t say this everyday

Morning yoga and breakfast juice
my blog writing nook

Today was awesome! Unfortunately these dogs don’t know how to sleep in so they woke me up at 5 and again at 6:40am to go outside. I finally embraced it and decided to do yoga in their well-lit living room. The sun was shining and I started a fire in the wood stove so it was awesome. I started yoga with the dogs inside but when they began licking my feet and arms in downward facing dog, I had to let them out. Walking the dogs at the same time was a nightmare. The 7-year-old is good but the 5-month-old wanted to run the whole walk… and she’s stronger than me. One bail in the snow bank and several other embarrassing moments later, we arrived home safe and sound and I’ve learned my lesson (walk one at a time). On the Brightside, it was plus 4 and gorgeous outside and the whole friendly neighbourhood seemed to be out. It was too nice out not to attempt a run so to make sure my legs still work, I did a 6k. Best run EVA (said like Superbad…) and I kind of wish I went longer but tomorrow is supposed to be plus 6 so I can wait. This is more like a journal entry than summarizing my juice cleanse experiences of the day but it just goes to show how much better I’m feeling now that it’s day 8. Most hunger is completely gone by this point so it should be fairly smooth sailing until the end. I’m off to my friends house to fight some food and alcohol temptations for the night.
8 days down, 6 to go! Woohoo


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 7- Hallelujah

Note: Coming off of a juice cleanse can be dangerous so it is very important to slowly ease into your old eating habits, ESPECIALLY if you are doing 11+ days. You should start really slow and really light to awaken your digestive system. You should start with smoothies and soups, and then progress to soft fruits, and then harder fruits and so on. Here is a link with more details:

Funny story! My juicer wasn’t working this morning and I didn’t want to call it quits half way through the cleanse sooo I cut up a couple of oranges and sucked each piece individually! No giving up on my end! It finally started working so I was able to juice 3 oranges for an official breakfast drink.

Breakfast: 5 oranges
Snack: 1/3 cup wheatgrass
Lunch: 2 apples, 7 Swiss chard leaves, 2 kale leaves
Snack: 2 cups water Kefir
Making a new batch of water Kefir
Kefir grains, cane sugar, dried apricot, lemon

Dinner: 1 tomato, 1 pear, 5 kale leaves, 6oz of spinach, 1 apple, 1/3 of a cucumber

Water: 2.5L
Exercise: some strength
Today's grocery trip. (I hope it lasts the week :p)

I’ve been running around alll day! It’s 10pm and I’m sitting down for the first time. I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight. Since my juicer was a mess this morning, I didn’t have time to make a juice for my exam and after about 2 hours my stomach was going nuts. I didn’t feel hungry but my stomach was making constant loud noises. I had to leave class ½ an hour early and I made a small juice. Then the running around began and I got the stomach grumbling again. Other than how busy my day was and the juicer problems, everything was good. I’m finally settled into the house where I’m staying this week and I can’t wait for the solo time.
My babies for the week! Mabel and Max.

Oh and I’VE MADE IT HALF WAY! I’ve been waiting for this day since I started. The countdown to solid food begins!
7 days down, 7 days to go!



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 6

Note: If you’re only doing a 1-10 day juice cleanse, you can carry on with your regular routine, however doing 11 or more days is very strenuous on the body so you should be taking it easy and resting a lot. You should build up to longer cleanses by trying shorter cleanses first. If you decide to go for more than 21 days, I recommend that you be supervised, especially if you don’t know what you are doing, as this can become dangerous.

Breakfast: small bunch of kale, 2 handfuls of spinach, 2 kiwis, 1 Swiss chard leaf, 2 celery sticks, 3 romaine leaves, small piece of ginger, ½ a lemon, 1 apple, ¾ of a cucumber 
Breakfast Ingredients

I had a little accident. A cucumber chunk  dove into the juice. (so subtract some ingredients)

The Final Product

Lunch/Dinner: 3 Swiss chard leaves, 3 celery sticks, ½ a lemon, ¾ of a cucumber, 3 romaine leaves, 2 handfuls of baby carrots, 4 kale leaves, small piece of ginger, 8 strawberries, 1 apple
Snack: ¼ cup wheatgrass

Water: 3L
Exercise: 1 hour spinning class, some strength, some yoga

Today was great! I had the house to myself today so I stayed in all day. My sister asked me to make scalloped potatoes and cupcakes for her birthday celebrations this weekend so I did and surprisingly didn’t want any. SUCCESS! I did strength and yoga during the day and a 1-hour spinning class tonight and it all felt really good. I just want to point out why I do strength everyday 1. Because it’s really good for you in general (for bone density, burning more fat calories during the day, general body structure to cut out pain, etc) 2. After a couple of days on a juice cleanse, your body starts tapping into your muscles for energy so by continuing strength training, it is an attempt to reduce muscle atrophy. I have a cellular biology exam tomorrow so I’m going to spend the rest of the night studying. Starting tomorrow I will be house sitting/dog sitting until the 15th so I will be by myself and won’t have any food temptations around me so that will be really nice for the last half of the cleanse.   
6 days down, 8 days to go! 
Courtesy of my sister


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 5

Note: If your blood sugar is not stable and you are thinking of doing a juice fast, make sure to stabilize your blood sugar and keep it stable for at least a week before starting. People who have diabetes should NOT do a juice cleanse. People who have a yeast/Candida overgrowth in the body (frequent yeast infections) should not do a juice cleanse either because yeast feeds on sugar and a juice cleanse is high in concentrated sugar with no fiber to slow it down. A lot of people have yeast overgrowths in their body and don’t know it. You can find Candida cleanses online, to kill it off. Once you get rid of it, you can do the juice cleanse.

I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was funny (me yesterday!)

 Breakfast: 5 oranges
Lunch: 5 oranges and half a pineapple
Dinner: 6 handfuls of spinach, 4 kale leaves, 1 pear, 1 apple, 3 inch chunk of cucumber, 3 romaine leaves, 1 mango
Snack: 5 Swiss chard leaves, 4 kale leaves, 5 strawberries, 1 pear, 1 apple, 1 mango
Snack: 2 cups of water kefir (homemade probiotic water)
Water Kefir brewing (for 2 days)

ready to drink Kefir Water

Water: 2.5L
Exercise: some strength, some yoga

I felt MUCH better today. My energy is back and I only felt a little hungry around lunchtime, after class. Even though I’m not super hungry, I still daydream about food approximately every 30 seconds. I have a mental list about what I want to eat after I’m done. What I wouldn’t give for some medjool dates or a juicy mango right now AHHH. Anyways, I took 10mL of the iron supplement in the morning. I had 3 hours of cellular biology so my brain was a little foggy after class but not in a tired way. I didn’t do anything strenuous for the rest of the day. I drank water kefir today and I attached a website to explain what it is and how to make it. It turns into carbonated water that has a kind of beer taste to it (it’s hard to explain) and I squeeze lemon into it. For exercise, I just kept it light again with some strength and yoga. I want to make sure I’m feeling really good before working out again.
5 down, 9 to go!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 4

Note: you go through a lot of produce on a juice cleanse, which can get expensive so if you can find a way to buy in bulk for a cheaper price, that would be ideal! (ex: Make deals with the farmers at Farmer’s Markets)

Breakfast: 2 mangos, 2 oranges, ¼ of a pineapple
Lunch: 7 oranges
Dinner: 6 small beets, 5 kale leaves, 1 green apple, 1 carrot, small piece of ginger

Dinner Ingredients
Dinner Juice

Water: 2.5L
Exercise: some strength in the morning. I wasn’t able to do my 6.5K easy run due to mental and physical exhaustion.

Tough is an understatement!
Today was one of those days. I had a mental tug-of-war on whether to give up or keep going. Thankfully I have supportive friends and a blog to hold me accountable. My sister and my dad are also doing it with me for a short time so they motivate me to keep going, even though they are struggling as well. NO ONE SAID IT WOULD BE EASY!! I woke up with sore muscles from Saturday and Sunday’s workouts, obviously from lack of proper nutrients to recover. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have gone so hard while on a juice cleanse. A couple times throughout the day I would get light headed and black out for a couple of seconds when standing up. During my afternoon class I started to get really mentally drained and exhausted. I went to the health foods store after class to pick up an iron supplement and the cashier asked for my birthday. My mind went blank for about 3 seconds, that’s how out of it I was/am. My thoughts were scattered and my speech was slurred all night. I was hungry tonight, no doubt about that! I did NOT feel this way at all on my last cleanse but I’ve come to the conclusion that it is because of the intensity of my exercise and I’m not drinking as much as I did the last time. There is also a chance that these are the detox symptoms coming out to play. When on a detox, bad things are dying off and being released in your body to be released out of your body and it is normal to feel absolutely drained. If this is the case then good, it’s working and it’ll be over soon. I took the iron supplement (contains iron, and Vitamins B1, 2, 3, 6, 12) today to try and give me a boost but I am just going to go to bed now and hope I’m rejuvenated for tomorrow morning’s 3-hour class. I did not do my scheduled 6.5k easy run for the day, for obvious reasons. I hope that I will wake up refreshed and ready to go for day 5 and I will definitely make a better effort to make more juice from now on.
Iron Supplement

4 days down, 10 to go!

(I’m really brain dead right now so I hope this post made sense)



Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 3

Note: when doing a juice cleanse you should try your best to buy organic produce. When juicing non-organic produce, the pesticides and chemicals are being concentrated into the juice. This makes it difficult for your liver to detox the chemicals and since the whole point of a juice cleanse is to detox your body, it would be counterproductive. 

Breakfast: 5 oranges
Lunch: 4 kale leaves, 3oz spinach, 2 Swiss chard leaves, 1 celery stalk, ¼ of a cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 green apple, half a pineapple (half before spinning, half after spinning)
Dinner: 3oz spinach, 1 green apple, 1 Swiss chard leaf, ½ a lemon, 15 strawberries, 3inch chunk of cucumber
dinner juice

Water: 3L
Exercise: 2-hour spinning class, some strength

About 15 minutes after I posted yesterday’s blog about having a runner’s high, I got really nauseous and light headed for about half an hour. (I think 14.5k was a little too long for day two of the juice cleanse so I might not run that long for the rest of it, or I will drink more fruit juice those days). I tried to drink my juice to replenish my glucose but it was really sweet so it wasn’t helping much (I have a low sweet tolerance). I drank some more water and it eventually subsided and then I went to bed around 11:30. I woke up at 2 to use the bathroom, woke up at 5:30 and tossed around for a bit, woke up at 7:30, and then finally got up at 9. I spent the morning doing work around the house and then did a 2-hour spinning class from 1:45-3:45. It felt really good and I never felt over exerted or faint. There was a potluck lunch at my house so when I got home from spinning, all of the food was on display and looked delicious. I didn’t want to eat it though so I’m proud of myself for having some self-control. I did get a little hungry around 6pm so I made my dinner juice. Overall a pretty good day! Monday-Thursday I have 3 hours of class each day so hopefully day 4 and on is as easy as my last cleanse (fingers crossed). 


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 2

Is this what death feels like? JUST KIDDING!

Note: when juicing greens, the juice tends to linger in the machine so it is best to juice them first, followed by juicier fruits like apples, pears, cucumbers, pineapple, etc. Also, some juicers don’t get all the juice out of the leaves in one try so before putting in the juicier fruit, I recommend running the leaf pulp through again.

Breakfast: 4 oranges and half a pineapple (today’s oranges were smaller than yesterday’s so I used more)
Snack: 1 mango and 10 strawberries

Lunch: 6oz spinach, ¼ of a cucumber, 3 kale leaves, 1 green apple, half a lemon, 2 pears, small piece of ginger root

Dinner: 2 fuji apples, 10 strawberries (only got through half)

Water: 3.5L
Exercise: 14.5km jog, some strength, and some yoga
(I think I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight)
The run wasn’t too bad overall but my muscles were kind of achy near the end due to the lack of fuel, which makes perfect sense. I’m glad I got through it though because the runner’s high that I’m feeling right now is awesooome!

I woke up at around 8am this morning feeling rested and energized. I actually slept through the night, which I wasn’t expecting so that was nice. Today I felt a bit hungry around 3pm but nothing unbearable, which is also shocking because day two is usually the worst. I had a craving for corn for about a minute and green olives for about 30 seconds (both so random) but nothing else lasted more than a couple of seconds, thanks to my brainwashing. I’m thinking that cutting out refined sugars two weeks prior to the cleanse was really helpful in stabilizing my blood sugar, cutting the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. (so grateful for this)

2 days down, 12 days to go!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 1

Day 1:

*Note: As soon as fruits and vegetables are juiced, they begin to oxidize and lose nutrients so it is best to drink right away. If you have a really good quality juicer, you can sometimes store your juice for a day or two but I just have a basic, inexpensive juicer so I am going to try to make my juices fresh for every meal.
 my juicer
Breakfast: 2 oranges, half a pineapple
 my breakfast juice

Lunch: 1 green apple, a 6oz bag of spinach, 1 celery stick, half a cucumber, half a pineapple
Dinner: carrot and apple juice (bought at a raw vegan restaurant so I don’t know how many of each- 350mL)

I didn’t drink a lot today because I was out and about and by the time I got home, I wasn’t “hungry”. 

 the groceries I bought today

Exercise: some strength training
Water: 2.5L

I only felt hungry 2 or 3 times today and only got a bit light headed at around 7pm, after 3 hours of running errands so it was not a bad day at all. I knew that I wasn’t going to be eating food anytime soon so I just blocked it out of my mind… and drank a lot of water. Constantly drinking juice and water means constantly going to the bathroom so if you ever consider doing a juice cleanse, keep that in mind and prepare for it.

It’s almost 10:30pm and I’m going to head to bed soon so that I don’t start feeling hungry. Hopefully I can get a restful sleep!


Before we get to the fun stuff...

Hello everyone!

I am taking on a 14 day juice cleanse in which I will drink approximately 6 glasses of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices everyday. I did a 10 day juice cleanse in January but I just jumped right into that one without physically preparing my body. This time around, I cut all refined sugar from my diet in mid February and I have  been eating mainly raw vegan. It is helpful before a juice cleanse to cut out caffeine, sugar, and anything else you might crave so that your body is not going through withdrawal during the cleanse, and making the experience ten times worse.  In my experience, and through my research, I have found that the first 3 days are the worst. The hunger pangs and tiredness take over you… if you let them.  During my first cleanse, day 2 was pretty bad but I tried to keep busy and I did a lot of mental preparation so it wasn’t too bad.

The point of a juice cleanse is not weight loss, it is to detox your body by hydration, giving your digestive system a break, and loading your body up with vitamins. I REPEAT, it is not about weight loss. You will definitely lose some weight on a juice cleanse but a lot of it is water weight (especially if you’re only doing a short cleanse). My first time around, I lost about 10 lbs in 10 days and then over time I gained 6lbs back. I have read many articles saying that 21 days is optimal for a juice cleanse to get the most benefits but I have obstacles coming up (trips) that I don’t think will allow me to continue past two weeks.    

Over the next two weeks I will be drinking freshly juiced fruit and vegetable juice, herbal tea, and over 2L of water daily (aiming for 3L). I will probably add a dash of sea salt to some of my vegetable juices to maintain some sodium levels in my body. If I feel the need to take some vitamins or mineral supplements along the way, I will, but the fruits and vegetables are already packed with vitamins. During my first juice cleanse I drank a lot more fruit juice than vegetable and green juice. My reason for doing so was because I was more interested in seeing if I could make it to 10 days rather than doing it the right way. It is beneficial to drink more green and vegetable juices so that will be my focus this time.

I am currently on week 6 of my ½ marathon training schedule and although some articles say you should take it easy on exercise during a juice cleanse, I want to try to keep up with my training so that I don’t lose two weeks. If I feel that it is too much, I will stop or slow down. I have read other blogs of people on juice cleanses and they have maintained their regular exercise routine and felt great doing so. I enjoy doing yoga and meditating, however I don’t currently do so everyday and during the next two weeks, my goal is to incorporate it everyday.

I am going to try to post my daily recipes, exercise, feelings, and pictures!

If you are interested, here is a link to the documentary “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead”, which is about a juice fast, and it got me started the first time.
